Database Management Systems-Designingの商品画像

Database Management Systems-Designingの画像1

Database Management Systems-Designingの画像1

Database Management Systems-Designingの商品説明

Gerald Post's Database Management Systems takes an introductory approach to developing database applications; teaching students to evaluate a business situation and then build and design a database application. From systems design to distribution and integration of the system and everything in between, students will gain knowledge by getting a hands-on experience. The third edition has been revised to offer a more flexible way to deliver database management application. Post continues to have a textbook that covers the core theories and ideas of database management. Now, it offers two different workbooks depending on the software that the instructor utilizes. One workbook covers Oracle and the other workbook covers Access; thus allowing the instructor to pick the workbook that will be employed in the course and to go more 'in-depth' with either tool. The book can also be used as a standalone; thus having the professor chose what software will be utilized in teaching this

オークション情報 中古送料無料

落札価格 900
入札件数 1件(入札履歴
商品の状態 目立った傷や汚れなし
発送方法 おてがる配送ネコポス
発送地域 東京都
終了日時 2024年4月14日 00時31分
出品者 しん評価
オークションID x1097212223
